Federal Regulations for Playing Politics Card Game
The crazy issues and comments raised in this game are all real!
The factual scenarios are edited for brevity and presentation. The questions are found on the Red Issue Cards.
The answers, on the Blue Solution Cards, are mostly satirical fun, with some serious solutions. There are Blue Solution Cards for all political opinions.
You don’t have to be politically correct. Make America Fun Again and play the Blue Solution Cards that say what you really feel.
The Simple Rules For How To Play
The Simple Rules For How To Play
This is America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. You can set your own rules, but we have some suggestions:
The Court:
- Each player gets and keeps ten Blue Solution Cards at all times.
- Each player takes a turn being the Judge by reading one Red Political Issue Card.
- Except the Judge, players anonymously play one Blue Solution Card with their answer to the issue.
- The Judge reads the question and each answer out loud to the group before ruling.
- Without playing a Blue solution card, the Judge reading the issue card selects the Blue Solution Card they believe is most appropriate, funny, or whatever. Each card counts for one point.
- After taking a turn reading a Red Issue Card, pass the issue cards to the next player for their turn as Judge.
The player with the most points after all the bickering ends is the winner.
Other Game Play Options
- One player reads a Red Political Issue Card.
- All players play a Blue Solution Card, including the reader.
- All players vote for the best answer.
Executive Order: The player taking their turn reading the issue card may select which option is used.
Debating: If players want to debate or argue issues, you can limit the time of each player’s commentary to 30 seconds between rounds. If a player goes over 30 seconds they lose a point, or a turn. This will prevent hot air filibustering.
The Reviews Are In
“Really funny stuff from real political news. Fun and interesting to play”
“We laughed so much and had a blast!”
“More political stupidity than I thought. Lots of laughs at their expense.”
“Hysterical answers to real life politicians behaving badly. We couldn’t stop playing.”
“Play the game. Your group will love it!”